Monday, April 19, 2010

April Snows

It's been a productive month! I have nearly 70 pages down on paper and I'm in the home stretch--as far as pencil lines go, at least. After that, I embark on the whole new daunting task of painting it all...but all in due time.

I've been jumping around working on various scenes, touching up things, reworking them as needed, etc. None of these pages are what I'd call 100% done--some have one or two tweaks, others more (lacking a background, for instance). It's nice to have the luxury of letting them sit around for a few days so I can return to it with a critical eye.

The sketched page 11:

Here's a couple disjointed pages from a later scene:

Page 58, 60 & 63:

Page 65 & 66:

These are a few warm-up raven studies I did before working on the birds from the scene above.

On a related note--Does anyone have a photo of a raven flying from above/an overview? Not surprisingly, it's proven a tough subject and angle to get good reference shots of. If you do or know of one, I'd love to see it! My email's :]

Last but not least, here's a partially painted page.
It still has a way to go towards being finished, lots of little things to fix up.